What motivates you my friends? - CAIRE Inc.
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Contributed by Bob Rawlins, oxygen user and consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ 

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.Norman Vincent Peale

I really love this quote by him.

There is so much truth in this, however you apply its meaning, and it does help motivate me.

With this journey we are on, especially, with many of the unknowns in our health and the challenges that can come with that, it’s so important to have purpose, EVERYDAY!!

Are you aware of your own powers or influences? Everyone has them and can use them to their benefit and for those you come in contact with.

Does putting a smile on someone else’s face motivate you?

TOUCH A HEART, is one campaign I’d like to see be adopted by all. Even if it’s your own.

How can you touch your own heart, by believing in yourself? Whatever your situation. You have to be confident in your abilities before you can properly touch the heart of another.

What are you doing to help motivate yourself with the journey you are on?

  • I was diagnosed first with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) – a big challenge.

After I got through that, which was a tough task, lung scarring has left me with interstitial lung disease (ILD), a chronic lung disease under a huge umbrella of idiopathic uncertainties.

No doctor can tell me why this happened. Even after 41 infectious disease tests, all coming back negative, and no theory. Other than, viral infection, auto immune challenges.

So, now I am on oxygen therapy 24 hours a day. And medicines.

But I am still LUCKY. How, you say?

Because each day I am thankful for just that, another day!

After coming from 15 liter breathing bags lying on a bed to walking around with the proper oxygen to live as normal a life as possible.

I’m going on 2.5 years now, and looking for more, and I am positive I’ll will get more.

Why? Because, I have found my motivation to live and help others.

So, what motivates you?

  • The challenge of trying to make and keep yourself in as best physical and mental shape possible? No excuses.
  • Inspirational reading or inspirational healing from others?
  • Understanding your own powers and abilities and putting them to the task?
  • Being confident and comfortable with where you are in your life?
  • Helping others?

Here are six common factors that most people think is motivation for them:

  1. Money and rewards
  2. Desire to be the best
  3. Helping others
  4. Power and fame
  5. Recognition
  6. Passion

So, these are of course things that have been listed as common. To me it tells me that some of these things have meaning for some, but others really don’t know what motivates them.

Money is the reward for working hard not part of the motivation.

Stephen R. Covey wrote, “Motivation is a fire within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.”

Love this one. You have to find your own way of motivating yourself and keep it burning.

Your desire to do what you can with your current situation. Find that passion inside that keeps you going. Is it family, like your kids, your grandchildren?

That bucket list of things you’d like to do that you never seem to have time to do?

Start planning and DO THEM!

If we don’t have the power to fix ourselves as best we can, who needs fame? Fame is something I refer to as self-respect. Am I being the best I can be?

We are already famous and special, especially with that hose in our nose and the fabulous statistics regarding what particular lung disease or disability we have.

But do you have the passion to live with it? I DO! That’s the recognition I need and want. My family and friends telling me they are proud of how I am doing and what I have accomplished so far.

Lastly, TOUCH A HEART, every day. Tell someone you are proud of them.

And, take the time to thank those who are helping you. That touches more hearts that you can imagine.

People don’t say “thank you” enough. Colleagues, spouses, friends, and even to a stranger.

It will motivate YOU, I promise.

‘Til next time!





– Coach Bob

Bob Rawlins, 60, of Medina, Ohio, is husband to Terese and father to their 13-year-old triplets, a soccer coach, a hospital volunteer, and marketing guru. He enjoys skiing and golfing with his SeQual eQuinox portable oxygen concentrator.  

If you have been prescribed oxygen therapy, learn more about CAIRE by visiting www.cairemedical.com or calling 1-877-704-0878 to talk to an oxygen advisor. 

When using any oxygen therapy device please consult the applicable product instructions for use for product indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and detailed safety information.

