Attitude - CAIRE Inc.
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Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc.

Everyone has issues. The issues may be financial or political, personal or professional.  The attitude with which you view your particular conundrums will affect your life in ways that you cannot even imagine!

Think about your circle of acquaintances. With which ones do you prefer to spend time? Remember, they all have their own issues. Chances are you have some idea what those issues might be. Just as you have a variety of friends, those friends have a variety of attitudes toward their situations. Many people with serious, debilitating health problems do not have the most positive of attitudes. Chronic pain, limited mobility, or disfiguring ailments can certainly be cause for negative feelings. Totally understandable.

However, we have all run across people who, despite their physical limitations, somehow manage to maintain an attitude that is accepting, upbeat, even cheerful! They overcome, at least outwardly, the depressing fact that there is something seriously wrong with them. How do they do that?

They say that as we age (or drink alcohol), we become more like ourselves. In some cases, this is a good thing. In other instances, that prospect is just a bit frightening. You know who you are.

So, these annoyingly cheerful people … how did they get that way? Some people are lucky enough to be born with a naturally cheery outlook. You know them. They are the babies that everyone loves, the type that are so fun to be around that their parents usually decide to have a couple more – this child-rearing thing being so easy and all. Those same parents are usually distressed to learn that naturally easygoing little kids are rare, indeed.

So, must we be born that way? Not at all. People, and attitudes, do change. It is often a difficult process, bordering on inconceivable for some. A combination of stress, nervousness, and apprehension can raise havoc with anyone’s outlook on their life. Outside influences such as jobs, family, and friends can defeat an attempt to rise above the fracas and maintain an optimistic perspective. We are surrounded daily with people and situations that will drag us down if we allow them to do so. Throw health problems into the mix, and there is little wonder that attitudes can suffer.

So what to do? How is it possible to overcome the feelings of hopelessness? How do we clean that murky glass through which we view the future? Like most things worth acquiring, the journey is far from easy. That said, there is absolutely no reason that you should not attempt it. What, exactly, do you have to lose by trying?

There is an entire pharmacopoeia of drugs available to help your mood, your attitude. If nothing else works for you, there is no shame in consulting with your physician to see what is available. There is also a plethora of herbal remedies out there that may or may not help you. Again, please talk to your doctor before you embark on any regimen of chemical or herbal assistance. I urge you to work on other methods of altering your point of view before turning to the world of medication, but be aware that it is available if necessary.

Don’t even think about self-medicating with alcohol or any form of illegal substances! Therein lie more troubles than you really want. The temporary attitude change brought on by their use is simply not worth the potential downsides, for they are extreme.

Take care,

~ Uncle Jim

Jim Nelson is a double lung transplant recipient and a patient advocate for COPD patients throughout the U.S. and around the world. He and his wife, Mary, are well known patient advocates and brand ambassadors for those organizations who tirelessly endeavor to help those individuals who suffer from a variety of respiratory diseases and the caregivers who support them.

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