Patients Blog Archives - Page 24 of 34 - CAIRE Inc.
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The struggle and a peek at possible salvation …

The struggle and a peek at possible salvation …

Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ It has been suggested that I interview someone with lung disease as a subject for my blog posts. I decided that, as a beginning, I tell the story with which I am the most familiar… ours. Jim and Mary Nelson – Our...
Jim and Mary Nelson – Our story – Part 1

Jim and Mary Nelson – Our story – Part 1

Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ It has been suggested that I interview someone with lung disease as a subject for my blog posts. I decided that, as a beginning, I tell the story with which I am the most familiar… ours. Buildup to the diagnosis …...
The outdoors is filled with nature!!!

The outdoors is filled with nature!!!

Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ Don’t get me wrong … I love nature! I like hiking and biking, wandering the mountains of Colorado or the Sonoran Desert around Tucson. Thing is, I remember what it was like before my transplant, back when I was...
So, how’s the family doing?

So, how’s the family doing?

Contributed by Bob Rawlins, oxygen user and consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~  This is a very busy world we live in. Things change, people change, environments change, neighborhoods change, and we change. I believe we don’t always take the time to see how the family is...
Controlling stress with COPD

Controlling stress with COPD

Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ Life in today’s world is stressful enough for most everyone. Life complicated by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can be infinitely more stressful, for both the patient and for caregivers. Health...