Patients Blog Archives - Page 31 of 34 - CAIRE Inc.
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Be careful!!!

Be careful!!!

Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ You know that it is flu season. It has been reported that this attack of the disease is epidemic in 49 states, with Hawaii being the only escapee so far. There are no statistics on total flu deaths for this year,...
Staying organized

Staying organized

Contributed by Bob Rawlins, oxygen user and consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ Yep, we have pretty much have heard it all our lives, right? From when we were kids growing up, throughout school, into our working years, even if you had the toughest job on the planet, a...
Resolutions … anyone???

Resolutions … anyone???

Contributed by Bob Rawlins, oxygen user and consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ Happy New Year, and I hope and trust 2018 is off to a great start for you all, and you are busy – busy planning some cool things to do throughout the year. So, first week in the New Year. What are...
Stubbornness, knowledge, and exercise…

Stubbornness, knowledge, and exercise…

Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ Besides being inquisitive, I am remarkably stubborn. Upon reflection, that trait is probably at least partially responsible for the fact that I did smoke for all those years. Too bad, but there isn’t a whole lot...
Part 3 ~ Living well with chronic lung disease

Part 3 ~ Living well with chronic lung disease

Contributed by Jim Nelson, consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ This is the third blog in a series of posts about getting through your day while faced with the demands of a chronic disease such as COPD. The posts contain valuable information for both patients and for...