Knowledge Center - CAIRE Inc.

Knowledge Center

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FreeStyle Comfort


FreeStyle Comfort cutsheet (ML-CONC0159)

FreeStyle Comfort Provider Folder (ML-CONC0201)

FreeStyle Comfort Smart O2 Features (ML-CONC0205)

FreeStyle Comfort Provider Benefits (ML-CONC0204)

FreeStyle Comfort Patient Education Brochure (ML-CONC0203)

FreeStyle Comfort Oxygen Concentrator Infographic (ML-CONC0254)

FreeStyle Comfort Quick Start Guide (ML-CONC0139)
FRE (ML-CONC0139-1)  |  GER (ML-CONC0139-2)  |  SPA (ML-CONC0139-3)  |  ITL  (ML-CONC0139-5)

FreeStyle Comfort Backpack Quick Start Guide (ML-CONC0199)


FreeStyle Comfort with autoSAT Specs Sheet (ML-CONC0138) ENG
FRE (ML-CONC0138-1)  |  GER (ML-CONC0138-2)  |  SPA (ML-CONC0138-3)  |  ITL (ML-CONC0138-5)  |  POR (ML-CONC0138-6)

FreeStyle Comfort with autoSAT Provider Folder (ML-CONC0181) ENG
FRE (ML-CONC0181-1)  |  GER (ML-CONC0181-2)  |  SPA (ML-CONC01841-3)  |  ITL (ML-CONC0181-5)  |  POR (ML-CONC0181-6)

FreeStyle Comfort with autoSAT Smart O2 Features (ML-CONC0182) ENG
FRE (ML-CONC0182-1)  |  GER (ML-CONC0182-2)  |  SPA (ML-CONC0182-3)  |  ITL (ML-CONC0182-5)  |  POR (ML-CONC0182-6)

FreeStyle Comfort with autoSAT Titrate to Saturate (ML-CONC0183) ENG
FRE (ML-CONC0183-1)  |  GER (ML-CONC0183-2)  |  SPA (ML-CONC0183-3)  |  ITL (ML-CONC0183-5)   |  POR (ML-CONC0183-6)

FreeStyle Comfort with autoSAT Provider Benefits (ML-CONC0184) ENG
FRE (ML-CONC0184-1)  |  GER (ML-CONC0184-2)  |  SPA (ML-CONC0184-3)  |  ITL (ML-CONC0184-5)  |  POR (ML-CONC0184-6)

FreeStyle Comfort with autoSAT Patient Education Brochure (ML-CONC0192) ENG
FRE (ML-CONC0192-1)  |  GER (ML-CONC0192-2)  |  SPA (ML-CONC0192-3)  |  ITL (ML-CONC0192-5)  |  POR (ML-CONC0192-6)


CAIRE O2 Discharge Program Benefits (ML-CONC0111)

CAIRE O2 Discharge Program Benefits – Clinicians (ML-CONC0112)

Non-Delivery Solution (ML-CONC0217)

COVID-19 Oxygen Therapy Product Selection Guide (ML-CONC0178)


Travel: Portable Oxygen Concentrators Used On Board Aircraft Statement



FreeStyle Comfort User Manual (MN250) ENG
ARB (MN250-12)

FreeStyle Comfort with autoSAT User Manual (MN232)
ENG, FRE, GER, SPA, ITL, POR, DUT, DAN, NOR, SWE, FIN, GRE, TUR, CZE, POL, HUN (MN232-C4)  |  SLO (MN232-28)  |  HEB (232-15) | ROU (232-23)

Liquid Oxygen
Additional Resources
Service Bulletins

3-LED E5 Discontinuation-EOL (21307249)

Cleaning and Disinfection of CAIRE Concentrator and LOX Equipment (21494853)

Companion 5 Filter Change (21145161)

Companion 5 Hose Clamp Change (21360547)

Companion 5 Outlet Pressure Test (21495524)

Companion 5 Software V 1.11 Update (21494871)

CONC 60601 Compliance (21303735)

Eclipse 2 EOL Eclipse 3 Discontinuation EOL (21250054)

Eclipse 5 IEC Compliance (21220048)

Eclipse 5 Power Procedure (21336031)

Eclipse 5 Power Supply-New Release (21464617)

eQuinox Oxywell Discontinuation – EOL (21326625)

Focus Discontinuation (21347782)

FreeStyle Comfort Software V 2.9.1 Update (21499071)

Intensity VisionAire 3rd Edition Compliance (21220076)

NewLife Intensity and Elite (21288973)

NewLife Main Board Retrofit CB200 (21329212)

SAROS Performance Test Service Bulletin (21145152)

VisionAire (21353847)

VisionAire 2-3 EOL Discontinuation (21250593)

VisionAire Discontinuation (21288639)

VisionAire Main Board Change Aug 2017 (21190303)


Liquid Oxygen

C31 C41 C1000 C1000T Discontinuation (21285171)

Cleaning and Disinfection of CAIRE Concentrator and LOX Equipment (21494853)

Companion Portables Coil Configuration (20595227)

Companion Portables FCV Part Number (20609945)

H36 H46 (21267961)

Hi Flow Stroller, Stroller, and Sprint SRV Retrofit Kit Instructions (21368597)

HELiOS 850 Vent Valve Tube Assembly (20812798)

HELiOS Base Symbolic Label (21359152)

HELiOS Portables CPC Oxygen Supply Quick Connect Removal (20755203)

Liberator Hazard Warning Label (21330667)

Liberator Symbolic Label (21227088)

LOX 60601 (21297437)

LOX Label Service Kits (21174579)

QDV Lip Seal Change LOX Portable (20990410)

Spare Flow Control Valves, Secondar Relief Valves, Manifolds, and Economizers Availability (21495031)

Spirit Symbol Label (21341641)

Sprint Symbol Label (21356418)

Stroller Symbol Label (21356419)

Med Tips


Med Tips 2025 March: Service Schools, Companion 5 Main Circuit Board Part Number Changes, VisionAire Valve Manifold MA198-1 used in Manifold Assembly VA536-1, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2025 February: Service Schools, Vigilance Case Reporting, CAIRE HELiOS U36 and CAIRE HELiOS U46 Discontinuation, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2025 January: Service Schools, Dual Lumen Cannulas, Sprint and Stroller Warming Coil Tubing Change, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2024 December: Service Schools, Proper Handling of the Liberator, Liberator Filling Process, HELiOS Reservoir Electronic Level Gauge, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2024 November: Service Schools, Update to Service Labor Fees, End of Service Life Eclipse 3 and 5 (3 LED), CAIRE LOX Products QDV Cleaning Kit, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2024 August, September and October: Service Schools, FreeStyle Comfort Software V 2.9.1 Update, Companion 5 Humidifier Adapter, CAIRE Liquid Oxygen Product Line Rationalization, SAROS 4000 Air Worthiness Rated (AWR), Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2024 June: Service Schools, FreeStyle 3, FreeStyle 5 and Focus Discontinuation and End of Life, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2024 March: Service Schools, VisionAire Sieve Beds Part Number Change, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2024 February: Service Schools, LOX Portables Backpacks, Improvement to ATF Stepper Motor Eclipse and eQuinox Models, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2024 January: Service Schools, Eclipse 5 Power Supply, Liberator 60 Top Fill/Side Fill Discontinuation, Helpful Hints


Med Tips 2023 December: Service Schools, LIberator Models Change of Neck Tube Design, LOX Label Service Kits, Helpful Hints

Med Tips 2023 November: Service Schools, Companion Reservoirs and Portables End of Service Life, CAIRE POC Battery Lithium Content

Med Tips 2023 September: Service Schools, Liberator Models Neck Tube Change of Design, LOX Portable Backpack

Med Tips 2023 August: Service Schools, Storage of CAIRE Concentrators, Regalia with O2 Monitor, Stroller Hard Case

Med Tips 2023 July: Service Schools, Pediatric Options, Companion Portables Vent Valve, FreeStyle Comfort DC Power

Med Tips 2023 June: Service Schools; Liberator Neck Tube; LOX Label Service Kits; CAIRE Serial Number

Med Tips 2023 May: Service Schools; HELiOS Product Updates; HELiOS U35 and U46 Discontinuation; Liberator 60 Top and Side Fill Discontinuation; Spirit 300, 600, 1200 Discontinuation

Med Tips 2023 April: Service Schools; Eclipse 5 Power Supply; Companion Reservoir and Portable Discontinuation

Med Tips 2023 February: Service Schools; Liberator 20 EMS Discontinuation; SAROS 4000 Operating Environment; ATF Improvement

Med Tips 2023 January: Service Schools; LOX Label Service Kits; Liberator 20 EMS Discontinuation; HELiOS H36 and H46 Discontinuation


MedTips 2022 December: Service Schools; Liberator Updated Neck Tube; LOX Transfill QDV; Travel Power Adaptor

MedTips 2022 November: Service Schools; Parts Availability; Eclipse 5 Compressor Cover Screws; NewLife Clip Change; Female QDV Lip Seal

Med Tips 2022 October: Service Schools; Eclipse 5 Power Supply; QDV Cleaning Kit; Liberator G4 Lock Plate; Liberator Relief Valve; LOX Time use Duration Chart

Med Tips 2022 September: Service Schools; FreeStyle Comfort Battery Pack; End of Service Life for G3; CAIRE Serial Number

Med Tips 2022 August: Service Schools; Concentrator Storage; FreeStyle Comfort Battery Pack Duration Test; Liberator Harrness Heat Shrink

Med Tips 2022 July: Service Schools, VisionAire Hour Meter, Spirit 300 Accessories, FreeStyle Comfort Troubleshooting Guide

Med Tips 2022 June: Virtual Service Schools, Spare Valves, Stroller Hard Case, FreeStyle Comfort DC Power

Med Tips 2022 May: Virtual Service Schools; HELiOS Portables; VisionAire Air Outlet; LOX 10-Year Vacuum Check

Med Tips 2022 April: Virtual Service Schools; LOX Label Service Kits; Concentrator Storage; FreeStyle Comfort Battery Pack Duration Test

Med Tips 2022 March: Virtual Service Schools; FreeStyle 3 Membrane Update; Companion Reservoir Ejector Assembly Rod; HELiOS Reservoir Tubing; Companion 5 Outlet Pressure Test

Med Tips 2022 February: Virtual Service Schools; Spare FCV, SRV, Manifolds and Economizers; FreeStyle Comfort Troubleshooting Guide; Travel power Adaptor; Document Updates; Med Tips Distribution List Sign Up

Med Tips 2022 January: Virtual Service Schools; Eclipse 5 Power Supply; Spirit Aluminum Outlet Barb; Document Updates


Med Tips 2021 December: Virtual Service Schools; Concentrator Storage; QDV Lip Seal; Stroller Hard Case; LOX QDV; Document Updates

Med Tips 2021 November: Virtual Serrvice Schools; NewLife Elite Discontinuation; Companion 1000 Lens; Eclipse 5 Pressure Sensors; LOX QDV Cleaning Kit; FreeStyle Comfort DC Power Operation

Med Tips 2021 October: Virtual Service Schools; Hi Fow Stroller Gen 3 Part; Companion 5 Software Update; FreeStyle Comfort Battery Pack Duration Test

Med Tips 2021 September: Virtual Service Schools; VisionAire 5 Exhaust Tube; Companion 500/500; Eclipse 5 Power Supply; Eclipse 5 Battery Times

Med Tips 2021 August: Virtual Service Schools; Periodic Inspections; myCAIRE Telehealth Solution; VisionAire Shipping Tape; Concentrator Storage

Med Tips 2021 July: Virtual Service Schools; Companion 5 Flowmeters; Companion 5 Outlet Pressure Test; Stationary Oxygen Concentrators Accessories

Med Tips 2021 June: Virtual Service Schools; Availability of Parts; Companion LOX Stationary Ejector Assembly Rod; FreeStyle Comfort Powering On

Med Tips 2021 May: Virtual Service Schools; Companion 5 Hose Clamp; LOX Products 10-Year Vacuum Check; VisionAire Operatire Pressure Test

Med Tips-2021 April: Virtual Service Schools; Liquid Oxygen Product Updates; NewLife Operating Pressure Test and Regulator; Document Updates; Service Bulletin 21495031

Med Tips-2021 March: Virtual Service Schools; LOX QDV Kits; Liberator G4 Lock Plate; Liberator R/E Valve; LOX Duration Chart

Med Tips-2021 February: Virtual Service Schools; FreeStyle and FreeStyle 5 Discontinuation; Companion ReservoirR/E Valve; NewLife Filter; Battery Kits 

Med Tips-2021 January: Virtual Service Schools; Lithium Battery Content; QDV; Eclipse Case Screw


Med Tips-2020 October, November & December: G4 Lock Plate; FreeStyle Comfort Battery Capacity Test; VisionAire Power Cord; Companion 5 Flowmeter Outlet Pressure Test; LOX QDV Cleaning Kit; Companion Reservoir Valve

Med Tips-2020 September: Virtual Service Schools; Liberator Manifold Assembly; FreeStyle Comfort Troubleshooting

Med Tips-2020 August: Shipping Li-ion Batteries; HEPA Filters; NewLife Valve Retainer Clip; FreeStyle Comfort Backpack

Med Tips-2020 July: LOX Service Parts Updates; LOX Filling; Companion 5 Hose Clamp Change

Med Tips-2020 June: Firebreak Kit; NewLife Circuit Board; 3-LED Eclipse 5 Discontinued

Med Tips-2020 May: Companion 5 Standard Compliance; Air Outlet Options; Oxygen Delivery Accessories; Liberator Drain Tubes

Med Tips-2020 April: Liberator Retrofit Kit; FreeStyle Comfort Battery Capacity Test; LOX Label Service Kits, Companion 5 Software Update; Spirit Aluminum Outlet Barb

Med Tips-2020 March: Cleaning and Disinfection of CAIRE Concentrator and LOX Equipment; LOX SRV Retrofit Instructions; Eclipse 5 Power Supply; Sprint and Stroller Cases

MedTips-2020 February: NewLife Circuit Board Retrofit; Companion 5 Filters; HELiOS Reservoirs Liquid Withdrawl Tube Seal; Eclipse 5 Battery Capacity Test

Med Tips-2020 January: LOX Transfill adapter; Liberator Shell Thickness; Companion 5 Intake Filter; Eclipse 5 Provider Menu


Med Tips-2019 December: VisionAire manifold, QDV Lip Seal Change, FreeStyle Comfort Battery Pack Duration Test

Med Tips-2019 November: Integra 10, QDV Lip Seal, OxySafe

Med Tips-2019 October: Eclipse 5 Power Supply, FreeStyle Comfort backpack, SureFlow valves, Filling LOX

Med Tips-2109 September: Eclipse 5 Power Supply, VisionAire Manifold Tube, NewLife Valve Retainer Clip, autoSAT Feature

Med Tips-2019 August: Flat Rate Repair Program, FreeStyle Comfort

Med Tips-2019 July: Eclipse 3, POC Lithium Battery Content, NewLife circuit board

Med Tips-2019 June: Liberator, ATF, Eclipse 5, FAA Guidelines

Med Tips-2019 May: HELiOS updates, FreeStyle 5

Med Tips-2019 April: HELiOS, LOX Symbolic Labels, Out of Warranty Repair Programs, Eclipse 5

Med Tips-2019: Q1, LOX, Service Bulletins, NewLife, Eclipse 5


Med Tips-2018: Summer, FreeStyle, NewLife, Eclipse 5, Discontinuations, HELiOS

Med Tips-2018: Q4 (CAIREview, NewLife, LOX products, FAA self-certification, Discontinuations)

Med Tips-2018 CAIREview, Eclipse, FreeStyle, VisionAire 5, Focus, NewLife/VisionAire IEC 3rd Edition


Med Tips-2017 Fall: Companion 5, Eclipse 5, Focus, eQuinox, LOX

Med Tips-2017 May Companion® Reservoir Contents Indicator Change

Med Tips-2017 Spring HELiOS Plus and Marathon Quick Connect CPC Fitting, Companion 1000

Med Tips-2017 January Liquid Oxygen Service Life, Dielectric Tune-Up Compound


Med Tips-2016 December New Shoulder Strap, new CAIRE® Accessories Catalog

Med Tips-2016 October/ November new and improved AirSep® FreeStyle®, Unique Device Indicator (UDI)

Med Tips-2016 August/ September Unique Device Indicator (UDI) label, The New AirSep® FreeStyle®

Med Tips-2016 June/ July Replacing the SeQual® Integra™ Filter, AirSep® Focus™ Hour Functionality

Med Tips-2016 May CAIRE® HELiOS™ Plus and Marathon Liquid Oxygen Portables

Med Tips-2016 April Replacing AirSep® VisionAire™ Circuit Boards, Integra/Regalia Replacement Filter

Med Tips-2016 March HELiOS™ Portable Pulse Flow Test, AirSep® FreeStyle™ Test Mode

Med Tips-2016 February SeQual® Eclipse™ Case Screw Part Number, AirSep® VisionAire™ Flow Alarm Test

Med Tips-2016 January Eclipse™ Battery Troubleshooting, Eclipse™ Battery Capacity Test


Med Tips-2015 October: Companion 1000, Pediatric Flow Meter, Eclipse, FreeStyle

Med Tips-2015 Sept: QDV, AirSep Regulators, FreeStyle, AirBelt and External Battery, Eclipse

Med Tips-2015 Aug: Flat Rate Repair, Eclipse, Serial Number, Companion 5, LOX Reservoir Capacity

Med Tips-2015 July: UDI Label, AirSep Power Cartridge, Focus, Sieve Beds, SureFlow

Med Tips-2015 June: AirSep Plastic Color, FreeStyle DC Power, LOX Transfer Line, LOX Fill Procedures

Med Tips-2015 May: Eclipse, eQuinox, FreeStyle, Power Sources

Med Tips-2015 April: Plastic Color, OxiScan, eTASK, FreeStyle

Med Tips-2015 March: Warranty Status, Eclipse 5, QDV, Liberator, HELiOS Marathon, DISS Adaptor

Med Tips-2015 February: Eclipse, eQuinox, VisionAire, LOX

Med Tips-2015 January: HELiOS, Eclipse, FreeStyle


Med Tips-2014 Dec: San Diego Distribution; Eclipse; NewLife; Eclipse 5 DC Power; Jet Venturi

Med Tips-2014 Nov: Companion Reservoir; LOX Cart; Liberator; Gen 4 Meter; HELiOS Reservoir; eQuinox

Med Tips-2014 Oct: eTask Tool; LifeStyle; VisionAire; NewLife; No Problem Found Fee

Med Tips-2014 Sept: New Companion 5 ; NewLife; Companion Reservoir; AirSep External Power Cartridge

Med Tips-2014 Aug: New Companion 5; FreeStyle DC Power Supply; Liberator Manifold; FreeStyle; Focus

Med Tips-2014 July: New Companion 5; FreeStyles; VisionAire; Ferrule CAIRE LOX; HELiOS; NewLife

Med Tips-2014 June: Videos; eQuinox; Capacitor Table; HELiOS Portable; LOX Portables Straps; OxySafe

Med Tips-2014 May: HEPA Filter; Eclipse 3; LifeStyle; NewLife Intensity; HELiOS Portables; Power

Med Tips-2014 April: SeQual eQuinox™; SureFlow; Liquid Oxygen Time Use; Universal Plug; LOX Cart

Med Tips-2014 Mar: SeQual Eclipse; NewLife; QDV Metal Poppets; Integra; AC-DC Power Supply POCs

Med Tips-2014 Feb: FreeStyle; NewLife; FreeStyle 5; Focus; Compressor Run Time; Pediatric Flow Meter

Med Tips-2014 Jan: RMA, RGA; HELiOS Portables; VisionAire; NewLife; SeQual Eclipse; AirSep FreeStyle


Med Tips-2013 Dec: OxySafe; LOX Portable; Integra; Eclipse 5; LOX Transfer Hose; Portable Test Fix

Med Tips-2013 Nov: SeQual Eclipse; LOX Portables; Proper Shipping; FreeStyle; AirBelt; LOX Bottle

Med Tips-2013 Oct: Eclipse 1 End of Service Life; Integra; C1000; LOX Portable Bags and Backpacks

Med Tips-2013 Sept: NEW Eclipse 5; Strollers; Hour Meter Kit Focus & FreeStyle 5; Wheelchair Straps

Med Tips-2013 Aug: Eclipse Hour Meter, Power Indicator; HELiOS Reservoir; Eclipse Power Indicator

Med Tips-2013 July: C500 Discontinued; AirSep Warranty Changes; LOX Portables; Eclipse; HELiOS

Med Tips-2013 June: LOX; Focus; FreeStyle 5; VisionAire; FreeStyle; HELiOS Plus; Eclipse; Focus

Med Tips-2013 May: AirSep POC; Eclipse; Rollerbase; Stroller; FreeStyle; Pressure Test Gauge; LOX

Med Tips-2013 April: Focus; VisionAire; Integra 10 L; Eclipse; FreeStyle and FreeStyle 5 Backpack

Med Tips-2013 Mar: NewLife Intensity; VisionAire; LOX Parts Lists; HELiOS Portable; FreeStyle

Med Tips-2013 Feb: LOX Packaging; Stroller; VisionAire; Eclipse; Companion; FreeStyle; HELiOS

Med Tips-2013 Jan: NewLife Intensity 10; Integra; HELiOS Marathon; Companion Reservoir; VisionAire


Med Tips-2012 Dec: Companion Reservoir; VisionAire; Sprint/Stroller; Eclipse; FreeStyle; HELiOS

Med Tips-2012 Nov: HELiOS & Companion; Videos; Stroller; Concentrator; LOX Portables; Eclipse

Med Tips-2012 Oct: HELiOS & LOX Reservoir; C1000; OxySafe; Liberator; Eclipse; Integra; Capacitance

Med Tips-2012 Sept: Liberator Shrouds; Eclipse; eDAT; HELiOS Marathon; Eclipse

Med Tips-2012 Aug: Companion Reservoir; Eclipse; DOT Regulation; Concentrator; Gen 4 Meter; Cannulas

Med Tips-2012 July: Companion Reservoir; Companion 1000; Eclipse Battery; LOX Fill Head Adaptors

Med Tips-2012 June: LOX; QDV Standardization; Low Loss; Integra; Eclipse; HELiOS Reservoir

Med Tips-2012 May: NER Rates; Companion Portable; Integra; Eclipse 1; HELiOS; Eclipse DC

Med Tips-2012 April: LOX Reservoir; Eclipse; HEliOS Portable; LOX Portable; Wheelchair Basket

Med Tips-2012 Mar: Filter; Companion Reservoirs; Eclipse; HELiOS Reservoir; Stroller; Eclipse 3

Med Tips-2012 Feb: Integra; HELiOS Reservoir; LOX; Eclipse; Spirit DOCD

Med Tips-2012 Jan: CAIRE Serial Number; Portable Filling; LOX Reservoirs; Eclipse; LOX Portable


Med Tips-2011 Dec: Eclipse 2 & 3; LOX Portables; Companion Reservoirs; Eclipse; LOX; LOX Reservoir

Med Tips-2011 Nov: Concentrator; Integra; LOX Reservoirs; EDAT; Eclipse; HELiOS; Rollerbase

Med Tips-2011 Oct: Eclipse; Integra; Companion Reservoir; HELiOS; LOX Portable; HELiOS Reservoirs

Med Tips-2011 Sept: Companion; Spirit; Eclipse; Integra; Gen 4 Meter; Liberator; LOX Transfer Lines

Med Tips-2011 Aug: Companion Reservoir; Companion; Eclipse; Reservoir Filling

Med Tips-2011 July: HELiOS Reservoir; Eclipse 3; Liberator; Eclipse; Pulse Oximeter; Cannulas

Med Tips-2011 June: HELiOS Reservoir; Integra; HELiOS; Eclipse; LOX Portable Carts; Eclipse

Med Tips-2011 May: Eclipse; H300 & H850; Integra; New Jet Venturi Assembly; SeQual Eclipse

Med Tips-2011 April: Spirit; CR50 Conserving Oxygen Regulator; Eclipse; HELiOS Cannula; Erie Liter

Med Tips-2011 Mar: Gen 4 Meter; Transfilling to Smaller Reservoirs; Eclipse; Rollerbase

Med Tips-2011 Feb: SeQual; Wire Harness; Pediatric FCV’s; Belt Strap HELiOS Portables

Med Tips-2011 Jan: Stroller Soft Cases; Roller Base


Med Tips-2010 Dec: Companion Reservoir; CR-50 Conserver Changes; Pediatric FCV

Med Tips-2010 Nov: Companion Portables; HELiOS & Companion Units; LOX Saturation Pressure

Med Tips-2010 Oct: Fill Procedure Reservoirs; New Serial Number Location for HELiOS Portables

Med Tips-2010 Sept: HELiOS Reservoirs; HELiOS Standard Bases

Med Tips-2010 July-Aug: Portable Pack Compatibility; Cleaning CAIRE Units

Med Tips-2010 May June: Dual Lumen Cannulas; HELiOS Plus; HELiOS Marathon; QDV

Med Tips-2010 April: Cleaning Comp./HELiOS Gauges; HELiOS & Companion Warming Coil; HELiOS Flow

Med Tips-2010 Mar: Filling & Saturation CAIRE Reservoirs; New Material Portable Plastic Cases

Med Tips-2010 Feb: HELiOS Carrying Cases; Condensate Bottles Reservoirs; Liquid Oxygen Use Times

Med Tips-2010 Jan: Capacitance Meter Adapter; New Faces at CAIRE


COVID-19 Pandemic In the Clinical Environment, Implications for Short-Term and Long-Term Oxygen Therapy

CAIRE recently partnered with HME Business to present a special program, COVID-19 in the Clinical Respiratory Environment, Implications for Short-Term and Long-Term Oxygen Therapy, featuring guest speakers Keith Robinson MD, MS, FCCP, and Tom Long, RRT-RCP, CAIRE and AirSep Region Manager-LATAM, Mexico, Caribbean.

Explore the pathophysiology of the virus as Dr. Robinson relates his first-hand experiences working on the frontline in South Florida, as well as observations on the current situation in healthcare, and discharge planning with oxygen therapy. He’ll also describe the road ahead for COVID-19 and oxygen therapy, and his recommendations for preparing for the future.

Also, learn more about CAIRE’s O2 Hospital Discharge Program from a long-time expert in the field of oxygen therapy devices and LTOT patient care.

Watch the presentation by clicking this link.


To view our TRAVEL AND SAFETY information page, please click this link.


eTask User Guide (ML-CONC0056)

eQuinox Cutsheet (ML-CONC0088) ENG

eQuinox User Manual (4805-SEQ)

Focus Cutsheet (ML-CONC0083) ENG

Focus English User Manual (MN170-1)

FreeStyle Battery Charger Manual (MN221-22) KOR

FreeStyle and FreeStyle 5 User Manual Insert (MN168-1)

FreeStyle and FreeStyle 5 Internal Battery Multi-Language User Manual (MN131-1)

FreeStyle User Replaceable Battery (ML-CONC0078)

FreeStyle 5 User Replaceable Battery Cutsheet (ML-CONC0123)

FreeStyle Family User Replaceable Battery Operating Manual (MN218) ENG

FreeStyle 5 User Manual (MN166-1) Eng

FreeStyle 5 Internal Battery Multi-Language User Manual (MN167-1)

NewLife Air Outlet Installation multi-language (MN151-1)

NewLife Elite and Intensity Patient Manual — obsoleted; listed as reference for NewLife Elite (MN239 Rev E)

NewLife Intensity Patient Operating Manual (MN191-1) Arabic

NewLife Intensity 10 Patient Operating Manual (MN192-1) Arabic

VisionAire 2 & 3 User Manual (MN165-1) ENG
KOR (MN204-1)

VisionAire 3 User Manual (MN205-1) ENG

VisionAire Air Outlet Manual (MN175) ENG
FRE (MN176-1) | SPA (MN177-1)


Liquid Oxygen

Companion 1000 & 1000T Cutsheet (ML-LOX0011) ENG

Companion Portable & Reservoir Patient Operating Manual (B-701417-00) ENG
ENG, ESP, POR, GRK (10004479) | CZE, HUN, POL, RUS, TUR (10004481) | DAN, NOR, FIN, SWE (10004480) | FRE, ITL, GER, NED (10004477)

EMS 20 Patient Operating Manual (13402391)

HELiOS 300-50 Patient Operating Manual (10003162)

Liberator 10–obsoleted; listed as reference (11672507 Rev D)

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