So, Spring has finally sprung, even in Ohio!!! - CAIRE Inc.
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Contributed by Bob Rawlins, oxygen user and consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ Yes, the warm weather has started to arrive here in the Midwest as in most areas throughout the country.

And with it comes things we as chronic lung patients have to deal with.

Allergies, quick weather changes, and several other things can play havoc on our breathing patterns and endurance.

These can cause “flare-ups,” may be shortness of breath, increased mucus production, tightness in the chest and wheezing. All scary stuff at times.

Trying to prevent these allergy attacks can obviously be the best for everyone, your family but mostly, YOU.

Here are some tips I try and follow:

  • I take allergy medicine year-round. Check with your doctor first, but it helps limit some of those flare-ups even though I do get the occasional one or two.
  • Stay indoors on those “High Count” days. Most weather apps or weather stations can provide some of that info for you. However, if you do have plans to be outdoors, great, but leave your shoes outdoors to avoid tracking pollen indoors and wash those clothes to get rid of that “stuff.”
  • A breeze feels good, but on those bad days, close the windows and don’t let those allergens inside, this will help keep them out. I use ceiling and house fans to keep the air moving and comfortable.
  • Change your air conditioning and car filters often. This will help eliminate those allergens. Also vacuum and clean those floors regularly with the right filters. This is where you ask for help from your family and friends. 🙂
  • Fixing leaks is so important. MOLD is the worst. Again, ask for help. Moist environments can have an extremely detrimental effect on your health, especially your lungs.
  • Avoid the obvious other triggers.
    • Cigarette smoke, strong perfume, cleaning agents, harsh chemicals, too dry and too humid air, pet dander, and other known triggers. These can cause some of those flare-ups.

I know, we’ve talked about this lifestyle change, but it is truly a lifestyle change.

We can’t control the weather but we can control some things and stayed informed with The Weather Channel’s website and also Enter your zip code, and that’s all there is to it in learning what is happening in your area.

Some other things that might be helpful.

In our support group we discuss these things and help each other cope and help reduce these flare-up changes.

Oh, almost forgot, another tip I learned and has really helped.

Bee honey from your region. Drink it with your tea, coffee, as your sweetener. It really helped me, I swear by it.

It is so difficult at times I know. I tend to forget as we all do but eventually pay the price and end up increasing my corticosteroid drug dosage, which I totally hate, or get prescribed another medicine to get me back to my norm.

Yeah, it stinks, and yeah I wish it wasn’t this way, but it is. The cards are dealt and every day I play them as best I can. I hope you are too. 🙂

Try and keep it simple, think ahead, plan ahead, check the weather, and ENJOY YOURSELF! Get out there, don’t SIT AROUND, just PREPARE for the next ADVENTURE!

Really not too bad a price to pay!

Remember: Join CAIRE Medical blogger Jim Nelson and I in giving oxygen users the “Thumbs Up” when you see them wearing their oxygen therapy devices. This campaign is essential in encouraging others to adhere to their oxygen prescription, and you just might MAKE SOMEONE SMILE AND FEEL GOOD!

‘Til next time!




– Coach Bob

Bob Rawlins, 60, of Medina, Ohio, is husband to Terese and father to their 13-year-old triplets, a soccer coach, a hospital volunteer, and marketing guru. He enjoys skiing and golfing with his SeQual eQuinox portable oxygen concentrator.  

If you have been prescribed oxygen therapy, learn more about CAIRE by visiting or calling 1-877-704-0878 to talk to an oxygen advisor. 

When using any oxygen therapy device please consult the applicable product instructions for use for product indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and detailed safety information.
