What activities do you like doing most? - CAIRE Inc.
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Contributed by Bob Rawlins, oxygen user and consultant to CAIRE Inc. ~ 

The weather, no matter where you live in the world can dictate activities we like to do, no doubt.

Some prefer inside over outside activities. I personally try and enjoy both.

As chronic lung patients it can be a bit of a challenge, if we let it. There are a million excuses for you to not do anything, whether you are chronically ill or healthy for that matter.

How many times do we talk to ourselves and say, “where has the time gone,” “I need to plan for that,” “I keep forgetting to do that?” and I’m sure many others. 🙂

Do some of us make those daily lists, “Honey Do List”, “Things to Do List”, mine is “THE BOBBY DO LIST!” How original right?

“Whatever it takes,” big phrase in Ohio right now (Go Cavs), if you are a basketball fan and watching the NBA Finals. If not, it is still approprié, as the French say.

As we proceed in this journey of living with Chronic Lung Disease:

  • The goals are to decrease the severity of breathlessness as much as possible during daily activity and to INCREASE ENERGY AND ACTIVITY LEVELS in general.

So what do you like doing most? Are you doing enough? Might be a better question.

Pulmonary rehab has become one of my favorite activities. I understand that not all may be able to participate, but your doctor would know. Most people can do some form of pulmonary rehab.

You know as we proceed in LIFE, age sneaks up on all of us. Trying to keep ourselves in some form of decent physical shape is necessary. For everyone!

  • Physical conditioning
  • Exercise training
  • Nutrition counseling
  • For us Lung People, BREATHING EXERCISES

So, one extra thing over those that aren’t sick but dealing with aging as well.

Can’t, beat that, you should be doing the other three anyway, so what’s one more thing on the To-Do List.

And what is that ACTIVITY you are doing that you enjoy the most?

What keeps your mind active as well?

Reading, writing, crafts, education, LEARNING MORE ABOUT YOUR JOURNEY.

Mostly inside stuff. But it keeps up our awareness.

I like movies. I leave the TV on for background noise mostly, but there is the occasional informative and worthwhile show on as well, LOL.

Studies show, that the more active we are can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

But again, for everyone. However, it is most important for those with a disability, health Issue and dealing with a sudden life change.

The things to look for in your daily routine to help:

  • Activities to improve your daily lifestyle with LESS BREATHLESSNESS
  • Increase your ability to exercise is SO IMPORTANT!
    • Get out and walk
    • Go to the grocery store
    • Run errands with family or friends
    • Move, move, and move again
  • Improve sense of well-being and creating a more positive outlook
  • Discover more energy! Bottle it – remember what gives you that extra dose of adrenaline.
    • How much better do you feel when you have more energy
    • Make more of those energy days yourself
    • I live for those, “Bonus Days”
  • It’s a State of Mind – “your attitude” and it’s “your life, take charge of it”

Have you thought more about the “TEAMWORK APPROACH?”

It works! Look around and find support from your doctors, family, and friends.

How about this even? Be a supporter for someone else? A mentor for someone new to their journey.

Serving others, the heart of a volunteer is so valuable and self-rewarding.

Let’s start a “Touch A Heart Campaign,” (CAIRE Medical I challenge you as well).

  • Reach for a hand
  • Create a smile
  • Help someone everyday with anything, doesn’t have to be a major project
  • There are so many ways to touch someone’s heart. Start with KINDNESS.

Any thoughts? We can make this a very cool experience. MORE TO COME!!

‘Til next time!





– Coach Bob

Bob Rawlins, 60, of Medina, Ohio, is husband to Terese and father to their 13-year-old triplets, a soccer coach, a hospital volunteer, and marketing guru. He enjoys skiing and golfing with his SeQual eQuinox portable oxygen concentrator.  

If you have been prescribed oxygen therapy, learn more about CAIRE by visiting www.cairemedical.com or calling 1-877-704-0878 to talk to an oxygen advisor. 

When using any oxygen therapy device please consult the applicable product instructions for use for product indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and detailed safety information.

